A quick hello from me
Hi there. I’m Stefani (girl in the picture above though not quite as sweet-looking in real life) and I’m the founder of be-snazzy.com ; an online boutique where you can browse unique accessories and clothing made by funky independent designers from all over the world.
I’m 25 years old, well OK going on 26 but 25 sounds much younger so I might just stick to that for the next couple of years (!), and I decided to start be-snazzy.com because I simply loved discovering those hidden gems in London’s fashion markets and through my travels, but I couldn’t quite get anything remotely close to that experience online. I kept thinking, “there are so many stunning, one-of-a-kind pieces of jewellery, handmade bags, handpainted tees and the likes out there and you can get them for amazing prices; so why does everybody insist on buying their clothes from the high street or high end shopping malls?”
“Why does everybody look the same?”
Maybe the answer lies somewhere in between the fact that most people don’t know where to find all these beautiful things, or that they just don’t have the time. So I decided to devote my time in doing exactly that. Scouring London’s markets, the cobbled streets of Greek Islands (where I love to spend my Summer holidays) and asking around for designers who are only known by word-of-mouth. I also spent my hours browsing through online designer marketplaces for that extra special one that caught my eye, and I decided to pick my absolute favourites and bring them to be-snazzy.com .
If I didn’t think “wow” then I just tossed them aside into my pile of maybes/not so much until I was absolutely certain of which ones I wanted to add.
So here it is then; a brand, if you like, featuring a highly-curated, handpicked selection of independent designers who have the X-Factor. Take a look and let me know what you think. But please, please don’t come to be-snazzy looking for a little black dress or a grey vest; I’m sure there are plenty of Zaras, Topshops and H&Ms in the world for you to get those.
If, on the other hand, you are looking to spice up your wardrobe with extraordinary accessories and bags that will have people asking you where you got them from, then please do stop by and feel free to contact me for anything.
Be different, be snazzy
Stefani x
Cool new fashion startup in the making. Watch this space people
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