Big business is broken

Upon request form my PR folks I recently sat down to write ‘my story’ so they can use it in the company’s collateral.  In writing it I realised the irony in the story, of how a journey of ten years brings me back to serving a purpose for others much the same as that which drove me to go down this path.  Life, it seems, is not without a sense of humour.

Here’s the full recount:

“In 2003 – a fresh graduate from university, and refusing to follow the paths of my colleagues into Banking and management consulting,  I got  what i thought was a ‘real job’ in a  big Engineering firm to do one of those 18-month management trainee programmes.continue reading »

We are not building a business, we are creating a movement!


I wrote a blog post today on the PPH blog giving an update to our community on the upcoming Hourlies launch. One of the main things i relay in this post is my amazement to date on the sheer diversity of services people are offering, from as little as one hour.  From the bread and butter type services like WordPress template design, creating a logo or a website, to teaching you the basics of social media, how to code or speak a language, creating your caricature OR .. one of my favourites: designing a custom made dog coat in 3 hours for $40 !!

As Hourlies are trickling in by the hour i am more and more seeing validation of my original intuition and vision. That the labour market is ripe for disruption. I see it in the ‘hunger’ of people which leads to the inventiveness and the originality of what they post.

It’s been said that ‘necessity is the mother of invention’. I say hunger is.  And i mean hunger in the broader sense here; i mean the deep desire of people to work for themselves, to go out and do something different. To be in control, to do the things they love and earn an income while doing it. And to do it their own way.continue reading »

How PPH helped Lisa start a manufacturing business on the side

Yet another inspiring story of how PeoplePerHour allows people to start a business, follow their dreams and passions and build up their business one hour at a time.

And  contrary to common perception: its not all in high tech and digital. Lisa Moncur’s story – featured  in the Scotsman this weekend – reminds us that there is still life in manufacturing, and you can start a business on the side from your bedroom and build it up.

Thats our mission at PPH. That’s what we do best. And thats what gets us up every morning.

Thanks Lisa for sharing your story! Full article here 

This is Lisa’s profile on PPH


PPH Athens team in action…

continue reading »

“I’m worth a billion but I have no sense of purpose”

Everyone is asking if we are in a tech bubble. I think we are not. But I also think that there is a bigger problem at play. In the race to be the next big thing we forgot that companies exist to fulfill a need. We got too consumed with our own numbers, our growth and hockey stick curves and who’s writing about us. ‘Oh they’re hot they got into Techcrunch’. We forgot to ask ourselves one key question: what is our purpose? Why do we exist as a business. If we disappeared tomorrow would it really matter?continue reading »